*New* Updates to IPUMS Data
Posted: 1/5/2024 ()
IPUMS is excited to announce the release of 2018-2022 5-Year ACS summary tables from IPUMS NHGIS (here). IPUMS CPS (here) has also released the November CPS basic monthly data. See the full story to learn about each update!
IPUMS NHGISNHGIS has added the 2018-2022 5-Year Summary File from the American Community Survey (ACS). Over 1,100 new summary tables are now available for geographic areas as small as block groups. NHGIS also extended its time series tables to include 2018-2022 ACS 5-year data and added GIS boundary files corresponding to the geographic units identified in 2022 American Community Survey data.
November CPS basic monthly data, telework variables for the October 2022-2023 samples (excluding ASEC samples), and SHADAC health insurance unit variables for the 2023 ASEC and 2022-23 ASEC longitudinal samples are now available through